Low Back Pain

What is it?

Low back pain is one of Australia’s most debilitating conditions and can be quite complex when it comes to treating. Low back pain can be split into two main groups; Non Specific or Mechanical Low Back Pain (85-90% of cases) or Specific Low Back Pain (10-15%). Most people who suffer from back pain will fit into this Non-Specific or Mechanical low back pain category and will usually recover within 2-6 weeks, others as long as 3-12 months. There is a recurrence rate of around 50% after having one episode of back pain. Each person who suffers from back pain is different, there is no magic fix or “one approach fits all” when it comes to diagnosing or treating. You can suffer back pain simply by moving wrong, performing repetitive movements that cause strain to your back, poor muscle strength or recruitment and a traumatic event.

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